Jéremie Cortial and Roman Miletitch are the left and right arms of Papertronics. We're the welcoming committee. Don’t hesitate to e-mail for any quote or question.

Papertronics headquarters : Lyon, France / Brussel, Belgium
And more friends in Paris, Tokyo or Madrid !
Contact : info@papertronics.org


Jeremie Cortial

Artist and inventor, using drawing at the center of his work, he has been exploring the production of multiples from chocolate screen prints on pancakes to video games. Playing at the border of art, design, entertainment, and DIY research, his works are always very pop and visual, yet the public is often deeply involved in the process.

Contact: jer@elshopo.com


Roman miletitch

PhD student in Artificial Intelligence, award winning digital artist, founder of OpenTechSchool Brussels (opentechschool.org/brussels), lead community manager of Hack League (hackleague.io) and event planner (Food&Code, Electric Offense). Roman is a Jack of all trades and thrives on applying what he learned from one field to another. Coding from roofs, subways or abandoned buildings, he's always eager to explore the creative possibilities of this digital medium.

Contact: roman.miletitch@gmail.com